Whether deliveries by sea freight container or road, whether loose or palletized goods deliveries of packages or bulky goods, we coordinate the deliveries directly with you or your supplier and thus participate in an optimal goods flow and the resulting collection of goods. This also includes the full handling of all customs formalities.
With access through our Customer Portal, you can check your bookings with relevant details and the current status of your goods receipts in real time.
For handling the inbound process both skilled professionals as well as the necessary technical know-how are available. Mandatory quality checks are self-evident for us.
Even before the actual delivery we ask for information about customized packing requirements for your products in order to save unnecessary work in later processes.
The preservation of product quality, optimum utilization and protection of the appropriately selected load carriers have a superior position.
Trading companies are always looking for economic opportunities to save expenses. With the stockless cross-docking procedure that goal can be achieved, as in this efficient distribution process the intermediate storage of the products in a warehouse can be waived.
The storage costs and the storage space requirements become superfluous. The passing on of these price advantages to you as a client, combined with faster delivery times, is a suitable method to strengthen your position in the relevant market segment. For this purpose we will stand by your side - as a competent partner.